NECCTON Workshops



Interactive Ecosystem Modelling Workshop at AMEMR 2024

12 July 2024, Plymouth, UK.

NECCTON co organised an interactive ecosystem modelling training workshop was held at Plymouth Marine Laboratory following the AMEMR 2024 Sympoisum in Plymouth in early July 2024. The workshop titled ‘Introduction to new capabilities in marine biogeochemical and ecosystem modelling’ was aimed at scientists of all levels looking to expand their repertoire of models and tools. Participants, comprising Early Career Researchers as well as established scientists, were able to explore ecosystem models of varying complexity (MOPS, ERGOM, ECOSMO, PISCES, iHAMOCC and ERSEM and apply them within water column and global 3D simulations. Unique feature of the workshop was that each model was introduced by one of its authors, developers or main users, who shared their expertise and also supported the practical sessions.

Workshop organisers Dr Jorn Bruggeman, partner at Bolding & Bruggeman ApS and Dr Gennadi Lessin, Marine System Modeller at PML, commented about the workshop:

“It is a huge privilege to be able to share our expertise with others who are keen to learn about amazing new capabilities in ecosystem modelling to help expand their own research. We had a fantastic group of participants and it really made for an exciting and dynamic session. We are very much looking forward to future workshops so if you are interested in learning about state-of-the-art ecosystem modelling in a hands-on way then please get in touch.”

“Due to the high level of interest, instead of initially announced maximum of 30, we opened the workshop to more than 40 participants of AMEMR, mostly early-career researchers. It was a great success, and we are grateful to our colleagues from Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, GEOMAR, Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany, Mercator Ocean International for their support in delivery of the workshop”.


Co-design of future products: 28th-29th of June 2023

Workshop Outcomes

The ocean’s biodiversity supported the livelihoods of over three billion people, providing vital services, including food and nutrient cycling.

Our objective was to enable Copernicus Marine Service to deliver novel products that informed marine biodiversity conservation and food resources management, by fusing new data into innovative ecosystem models that integrated biological and abiotic components, habitats, and stressors of marine ecosystems.

The workshop gathered key stakeholders, potential users, co-designers, and the scientific teams dedicated to the development of products, to refine the characteristics and specifications of the new products.

Workshop Videos

Plenary Session

NECCTON Testimonials

Want to learn more about the project?


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