Project Workplan

Neccton Work Plan

NECCTON is a four-year long project organised into nine work packages (WPs) synthetized in the Figure and described below:

WP1 coordinates the project activities and partners, making sure the consortium pursues the vision and delivers to the Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS) the integrated model capability to produce 27 products and the Threshold Readiness Level (TRL) 5 and 6 and service elements that are planned in this project. 

WP2 engage the stakeholders in co-designing the products and service elements, supporting WP3-9 in translating stakeholders needs into product specifications. WP2 also delivers the strategic roadmap for the uptake of NECCTON by CMEMS (Key Deliverable 2.3). WP3 and WP4 provide the technical and software framework of the integrated modelling capability. 

WP3 develops the interlinked modelling framework (Key Deliverable 3.3) where we will implement and share the models within the project and for transfer to CMEMS. 

WP4 develops new model/data fusion techniques, i.e., advanced data processing, ML tools, and DA methods (Key Deliverable 4.4). WP5-WP8 develop the integrated model system. Each of these WP will: 1) release milestone(s) of documented model code shared between WPs and evaluated for inclusion in the inter-linked modelling framework; 2) deliver comprehensive deliverable(s) on the science underpinning the models; 3) release milestones of validate product simulations as for the final synthesis evaluation of the products in WP9 (Key Deliverable 9.1).

In particular, WP5 focuses on the pelagic biogeochemical processes and plankton dynamics linked to the marine food web. 

WP6 focuses on benthic processes linked to the sea bottom flora and fauna. 

WP7 focuses on higher trophic levels linked to fisheries management. 

WP8 focuses on multi-stressors linked to climate change and man-made pollution of the marine ecosystem.

Finally, WP9 evaluates the integrated model outcomes and their exploitability by CMEMS and their stakeholders. In particular, WP9 will synthetize the validation of the integrated model system (Key Deliverable 9.1); it will apply the integrated model system in climate projections for the end of 21st century; finally, it will integrate and exploit the product simulations and projections to deliver 13 case studies co-designed with stakeholders on biodiversity conservation and fishery management. The outcomes and recommendations from the case studies will be disseminated in the Key Deliverable 9.3.

Want to learn more about the project?


July 14, 2024|News

Interactive ecosystem modelling workshop

The workshop, titled ‘Introduction to new capabilities in marine biogeochemical and ecosystem modelling,’ aimed to equip scientists of all levels with advanced models and tools. NECCTON’s involvement was crucial in providing insights into innovative ecosystem models, supporting both theoretical and practical sessions....

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July 11, 2024|News


Our team has delivered a number of insightful talks and presented informative posters, significantly contributing to the international ecosystem modelling community. This engagement has provided an excellent opportunity for networking and building collaborations with other researchers from around the world....

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April 24, 2024|News

NECCTON at the Ocean Decade Conference 2024

NECCTON’s scientific lead, Stefano Ciavatta from Mercator Ocean joined the Conference to highlight NECCTONs contribution to tackle the challenges 2 (Protect and restore ecosystems and biodiversity), 3 (Sustainably feed the global population) and 5 (Unlock ocean-based solutions to climate change), as project endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade....

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June 20, 2023|News

NECCTON at the Digital Ocean Forum

The project coordinator Stefano Ciavatta joined the second Digital Ocean Forum (DOF2), organized by the EU DG MARE and DG RTD, in Brussels on the 14th and 15th June 2023....

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