March 20, 2023

Data formats discussion for future NECCTON products has started


<strong>A first workshop on data formats and conventions for future NECCTON products took place on 15th of March 2023.</strong><br />
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This online meeting organized by Work Package 2 (*) brought together Work Package leaders and visualisation tools partners.<br />
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It was the starting point of discussions about good practices, specific needs and expectations about data/metadata formats and conventions.<br />
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This meeting will allow to draw a first mapping of the different products that are part of NECCTON with first-level general information, and more widely to develop interactions among different work packages and partners.<br />
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<em>(*) Stakeholder engagement, communication, dissemination and exploitation</em><br />


January 6, 2025|News

New NECCTON Report on PRISMA Hyperspectral Data Released!

Our latest report, Deliverable 4.2, evaluates the potential of the PRISMA satellite for marine ecosystem monitoring. We assessed PRISMA’s Level 2 products and atmospheric correction techniques (ACOLITE & POLYMER) across multiple coastal sites, comparing them with in situ measurements....

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November 28, 2024|News

Exciting News: Launch of the PlasticParcels Python Package!

We’re excited to announce the release of plasticparcels, a cutting-edge Python package for simulating the transport and dispersion of plastics in the ocean. PlasticParcels is designed to empower researchers, modelers, and developers to advance our understanding of plastic pollution pathways and dynamics. ...

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October 30, 2024|News

New NECCTON publication

A recent study highlights gaps in the protection of Mediterranean seagrass habitats, and suggests that strategically placed MPAs could improve protection and connectivity within the ecosystem. ...

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